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Everyone on Earth should grow something, even tiny.

It's educational, gives you warm emotions, some exercise,

prevents depression, de-stresses, recycles your food-waste,

feeds more people, saves money, and makes friends.

Another fun Fifteening tool that helps people move more.

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Why the name "10BillionGardens" ?

Because that's the number of people on Earth soon. Let's ALL grow some plants. As soon as you grow a plant, you start to enjoy making Earth chattier, kinder, happier, greener, more peaceful, and better nourished.

Not a grower yet ? Feel good quickly ! It's easy !

Buy a herb in a pot, or buy a seedling, or sow seeds in a sunny room, or borrow or share a patch, or offer to help a gardener who's less mobile, or create/join a social group, or be an extra hand for an old farmer, or just... plant anywhere. That's it, you're a grower ! If the first plant doesn't grow, the next one will !

It's easy and free to learn how

There are billions of videos online about every aspect of growing. Happy people telling their stories. Warning: addictive.

Chat with growers worldwide. Poor or rich, they're all friendly and socialize easily. That's 10 billion new friends !

Some of our quirks. What are yours ?

  • Trying to become friends with 10 billion growers

  • Growing in funny places

  • Growing without digging

  • Growing without transplanting

  • Growing with less water or electricity or fuel

  • Growing in both sun and shade, hot and cold

  • Growing all year

  • Warming plants in winter with warmed objects and walls

  • Growing with no greenhouse or tunnel

  • Growing and walling with transparent plastic boxes

  • Using food waste

  • Using plastic trash

  • Using waste cardboard

  • Planting a flower for every vegetable

  • Composting in new ways

  • Learning how growers in poor countries overcome

  • Always keeping the growing space pretty

  • Making things easy for people with a handicap

  • Avoiding tools with cutting edges (protect your worms !)

What does 10BillionGardens do in real life ? How does it earn a living ?

We help people who want to use some land (or garden or terrace or farm or or roof) that they own/borrow, to quickly grow a patch of healthy flowers, vegetables, and wildlife.

Who uses it ?

Private people, cities, schools, clubs, street associations, tough neighborhoods, old people homes.

What's different ?

We're industrial designers so we created a modular system of portable patches that are installed as though they were brought in by helicopter. Owners can then maintain the patch easily themselves. Education can be included.

Message from founders

Growers are a quiet (but huge) part of humanity that shares a common passion that makes them comfortable across social, national, and racial boundaries, and generally just nice and friendly to other humans. We need more.

Social media

We post only stuff we never saw on the internet (so we don't post much).

Cheers !

The co-founders.

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Fast vegetable-garden installation for suburbanites or balcony-gardeners espousing new trends such as  “Speed-Gardening”, “Throw and Grow”, “Mow-and-Sow”, "No Dig", “Ban lawns” and "Raised beds". 10BG helps market-gardeners and productivity-oriented hobby-gardeners add faster or easier growing methods. Products include pre-seeded sheets and rolls, compost and mulch sheets and rolls, drip-watering sheets and rolls (all weed-blocking), and recycled-plastic elements for plant-support or drip-feeds.

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